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Grants to improve your project
Greetings! The Project Grants program is currently accepting proposals for funding. There is just over a week left to submit before the October 11 deadline. If you have ideas for software, offline outreach, research, online community organizing, or other projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.
- Submit a grant request
- 提交一個請求
- Get help: In IdeaLab or an upcoming Hangout session
- 尋求幫助:在公司即將到來的會議
- Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants or Project and Event Grants
- 從完成的個人參與項目和活動補助金的例子中學習。
I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 2016年10月1日 (六) 04:11 (CST)
Creative Commons 4.0
哈囉!我來自維基媒體基金會,邀請您針對所有維基媒體計畫預計從 CC BY-SA 3.0 轉為 CC BY-SA 4.0 授權一事,提供您的回饋。此諮詢將從10月5日開始,到11月8日為止,我們期待能夠聽到各式各樣的觀點與意見。誠摯的歡迎,若您對此議題有興趣,請參與在元維基上的討論。 Joe Sutherland (talk) 2016年10月6日 (四) 09:21 (CST)
Editing News #3—2016
自上一份電子報發佈以來,視覺化編輯器團隊主要工作於新的Wikitext編輯器上。同時也釋出了一些小功能以及新的地圖編輯工具。 其工作內容已經在Phabricator內發布。 你可以在下列的連結mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings找到每一週完成的工作。 他們的當下的優先工作是修復程式錯誤,並且發布 2017 維基語法編輯器當作測試功能,並且改善多語言的支援。
- 你現在可以把設定文字成小或大。[1]
- 隱形模板已經用拼圖的圖示來呈現。現在,隱形模板的名稱會在拼圖的圖示的旁邊顯示。[2] 類似的功能將會顯示隱藏的HTML建議之第一塊部分。[3]
- 分類在每一頁的底部顯示。如果你點選了分類,編輯分類的對話框將會開啟。[4]
- 在許多 wiki 站台,你現在可以增加地圖到頁面中了。前往插入選單並且選擇「Maps」選項即可。 Discovery 部門現在正在相關領域添增更多特色,像是地理形狀。你可以在 mediawiki.org 閱讀到更多相關資訊。[5]
- 「儲存」鈕現在當你創建頁面時會顯示為「儲存頁面(Save page)」,而當你編輯原本就存在的頁面時會顯示「儲存更新(Save changes)」。[6] 預計未來「儲存頁面」鈕將會顯示為「發布頁面」。不論是視覺化或維基語法的編輯器,都將會被影響到。更多相關資訊請見元維基。
- 圖片集現在可用視覺化的模式編輯。你可以看到照片的縮圖、增加新的檔案、以拖放的方式移除不想要的圖片、或是在每一張圖片下增加圖說文字。使用「選項(options)」分頁來設定圖片集顯示模式、圖片大小、或是為圖片集加上標題。[7]
視覺化編輯器將會提供給維基百科「階段六」語言版本中剩下的10種語言的所有使用者。開發人員想要知道在這些語言版本使用視覺編輯器來輸入的感覺是否自然。 請到在 mediawiki.org 上的回饋留言告訴我們您的建議以及您測試的語言。這將會影響多種語言的維基媒體計畫,包含泰文、緬甸文、以及亞拉姆語。
開發團隊也正在開發一個現代版的維基語法編輯器。2017維基語法編輯器外觀將會像是視覺化編輯器並且能夠使用 citoid 服務以及其他現代化的工具。 這個新的編輯系統將可以在2016年10月開始桌機裝置上進行測試。您可以在維基媒體郵件列表的通用最新消息裏頭閱讀跟這個計畫有關的訊息。
- 您可曾教過新的編輯者使用視覺化編輯器?您可曾協助過在您的wiki站台設置 Citoid 自動文獻載入功能?您可曾撰寫或導入過您覺得重要的引用模板(citation template)的模板資料(TemplateData)?您是否願意協助新手編輯或新興社群使用視覺化編輯器?歡迎來視覺化編輯器社群工作小組(VisualEditor Community Taskforce)報到簽名。
I apologise that this message is in English. ⧼Centralnotice-shared-help-translate⧽
We are having a problem with attackers taking over wiki accounts with privileged user rights (for example, admins, bureaucrats, oversighters, checkusers). It appears that this may be because of weak or reused passwords.
Community members are working along with members of multiple teams at the Wikimedia Foundation to address this issue.
In the meantime, we ask that everyone takes a look at the passwords they have chosen for their wiki accounts. If you know that you've chosen a weak password, or if you've chosen a password that you are using somewhere else, please change those passwords.
Select strong passwords – eight or more characters long, and containing letters, numbers, and punctuation. Joe Sutherland (留言) / MediaWiki message delivery(討論) 2016年11月14日 (一) 07:59 (CST)
- 翻譯:
選擇較強的密碼 - 長度為八個或更多字符,並包含字母、數字和標點符號。
翻譯人--✈YURIY ✉想聊啥?! Ⓟ海納百川 2016年11月14日 (一) 22:51 (CST)
Adding to the above section (Password reset)
Please accept my apologies - that first line should read "Help with translations!". Joe Sutherland (WMF) (talk) / MediaWiki message delivery(討論) 2016年11月14日 (一) 08:11 (CST)
詳情請見m:Requests for new languages/Wikivoyage Finnish和正式項目,沒什麼可多說的。--Liuxinyu970226(討論) 2016年11月25日 (五) 21:03 (CST)
New way to edit wikitext
Summary: There's a new opt-in Beta Feature of a wikitext mode for the visual editor. Please go try it out.
We in the Wikimedia Foundation's Editing department are responsible for making editing better for all our editors, new and experienced alike. We've been slowly improving the visual editor based on feedback, user tests, and feature requests. However, that doesn't work for all our user needs: whether you need to edit a wikitext talk page, create a template, or fix some broken reference syntax, sometimes you need to use wikitext, and many experienced editors prefer it.
Consequently, we've planned a "wikitext mode" for the visual editor for a long time. It provides as much of the visual editor's features as possible, for those times that you need or want wikitext. It has the same user interface as the visual editor, including the same toolbar across the top with the same buttons. It provides access to the citoid service for formatting citations, integrated search options for inserting images, and the ability to add new templates in a simple dialog. Like in the visual editor, if you paste in formatted text copied from another page, then formatting (such as bolding) will automatically be converted into wikitext.
All wikis now have access to this mode as a Beta Feature. When enabled, it replaces your existing wikitext editor everywhere. If you don't like it, you can reverse this at any time by turning off the Beta Feature in your preferences. We don't want to surprise anyone, so it's strictly an opt-in-only Beta Feature. It won't switch on automatically for anyone, even if you have previously checked the box to "自動開啟大多數的測試階段新功能".
The new wikitext edit mode is based on the visual editor, so it requires JavaScript (as does the current wikitext editor). It doesn't work with gadgets that have only been designed for the older one (and vice versa), so some users will miss gadgets they find important. We're happy to work with gadget authors to help them update their code to work with both editors. We're not planning to get rid of the current main wikitext editor on desktop in the foreseeable future. We're also not going to remove the existing ability to edit plain wikitext without JavaScript. Finally, though it should go without saying, if you prefer to continue using the current wikitext editor, then you may so do.
This is an early version, and we'd love to know what you think so we can make it better. Please leave feedback about the new mode on the feedback page. You may write comments in any language. Thank you.