歐洲 > 斯堪的納維亞 > 法羅群島
首府 托爾斯港
貨幣 法羅群島克朗
1 法羅群島克朗 = 1.0000 DKK
人口 54,149(2023)
輸電網路 230 伏特 / 50 赫茲(歐式插頭、​Schuko、​Type E、​Type K)
國家區號 +298
時區 UTC±00:00
語言 法羅語, 丹麥語
緊急電話 112

法羅群島是北歐國家丹麥的海外自治領地。地理位置介乎挪威海和北大西洋中間,處於挪威冰島之間距離一半的位置。 法羅群島陸地面積1,399平方公里,由17個有人島和若干個無人島組成,居民共46,662人(2004中期估計),居民多為斯堪的納維亞人後代,基督教路德教派的成員,官方語言為法羅語丹麥語


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歷史 編輯

公元600年左右,一批愛爾蘭僧侶到此定居。公元9世紀,維京人進佔法羅群島。970年一度成立共和國,但實為蘇格蘭奧克尼伯爵(Earl of Orkney)的附庸國。1280年隨奧克尼群島成為挪威佔領地。1380年隨挪威併入丹麥。1650年成為丹麥馮嘉保家族(Von Gabel)的封建領地。1720年劃為丹屬冰島轄地。1816年被析置為海外郡。第二次世界大初期丹麥戰敗後(1940~1945),英軍進佔法羅群島。1948年3月30日,法羅群島獲丹麥授與高度自治,成為海外自治領地。

地理 編輯

法羅群島是一個由18個主要島嶼組成的島群,離北歐約655公里,居於挪威海和北大西洋之間,大約在冰島和挪威的之間處,臨近冰島和蘇格蘭的埃利安錫爾,地理坐標是62°00′N 06°47′W。其面積為1399平方公里(540平方英里),沒有重要的湖泊或河流,並有1,117公里(694英里)長的海岸線其唯一重要的無人島是Lítla Dímun。最南的島嶼Suðuroy法羅群島地形大致為崎嶇,多石的低山且多石壁。典型的冰川期侵蝕地貌,遍佈充分發育的峽灣與巨大金字塔形山體。其地理最高點為Slættaratindur山峰,海拔為882公尺(2,894英尺)。拉斑玄武岩和火山岩為此島的主要地質,這也是在古近紀時代Thulean高原的一部分。

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地區 編輯

The archipelago is composed of 18 islands covering 1,399 km² (545.3 sq mi) and is 113 km (70 mi) long and 75 km (47 mi) wide. 17 islands are inhabited, leaving just one uninhabited island, the smallest island, Lítla Dímum. There are a lot of smaller islets and skerries around the Faroe Islands. Including the 18 islands there are 779 islands, islets and skerries in the Faroe Islands. A large part of these are around the island Suðuroy, which consists of 263 islets and skerries, including the island itself. The precipitous terrain limits habitation to small coastal lowlands. The islands are connected by tunnels, causeways and a regular public ferry service.

Map of the Faeroe Islands
The six Northern islands (Borðoy, Kunoy, Kalsoy, Viðoy, Svínoy and Fugloy) have made up one administrative area since Norse times. The volcanic origin of the Faroe Islands is more pronounced here than anywhere else. The landscape is very dramatic.
The second largest island. The landscape in the north is very steep.
Streymoy is the largest and main island. The north is less densely populated but there are some wonderful villages.
Here the capital Tórshavn is situated and the area surrounding the capital is where the largest number of people live.
Vágar is the third largest island and is where the airport is situated. Mykines, the small island to the west, is well known for its bird life and remote location.
The region is made up of three islands with the largest being Sandoy, the other two are Skúvoy and Stóra Dímun.
The most southerly island and Lítla Dímun - the smallest island, which is uninhabited.

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